Event Detail  
Event Start Date : 21/10/2024 Event End Date 25/10/2024

Creativity Week at DAV Public School: An Exciting Experience Begins
DAV Public School, Sreshtha Vihar, is thrilled to announce the commencement of its annual Creativity Week from 21st to 25th October 2024. This much-anticipated event designed for students of Classes I to V aims to nurture and celebrate the diverse creative talents of our students. Like the previous years, this year’s Creativity Week promises an array of exciting activities that will engage and inspire the students. Students of Class I and II will have fun in play based activities where there is no competition and every child is a winner. Students of Class III to V will have the opportunity to choose and participate in Competitive / Non- Competitive Events. During the week, their artistic talent, sparking imagination and innovation, creative expressions of thoughts and ideas bring joy and energy to the school community. By participating in these activities, students build confidence in their abilities; develop important 21st century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. Let’s log in everyday to celebrate and encourage our young creators as they embark on this creative journey.


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Sreshtha Vihar Delhi - 110 092
Phone : 011-40623117,011- 43091195
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Website : davsreshtha.com

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